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» Silly Boys

Rating: awaiting 3 votes
Summary: The card scoring App for Silly Boys, a game of contract whist played by 2 or more people.

Windows Mobile Pocket PC 5 , 6 , 6.1

Arrived: Mar 2, 2011
Found under: cards, fun, scoring, project, management, program, programme, play, game, bidding, gambling, tally

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» Silly Boys Description
Silly Boys is the next App in the card scoring suite from Peter Melville-Brown. I have always known this game as Silly Boys simply because we used to play it on the train each morning and evening when commuting to London from the South Coast of England (a journey of about an hour and a half). I can’t tell you how many bottles of wine we got through on those journeys. Anyway, this App is the scoring tool for this form of trick bidding game. So with a few friends and a pack of cards (wine or beer if you want and a small wager on who will win) set up the Silly Boys App with their names and seating order. Then deal the cards for each round; 1 card each in round 1, 2 in round 2 and so on. Try to predict how many tricks you will win and then play the round. If you get it right you get 10 points + the number of tricks you bid, if you get it wrong you get minus the number of tricks you were wrong by. After all the rounds have been played the person with the highest score wins. Normally winner takes the wager pot!! And if you are into or known anyone who works in Project Management then check out

the Silly Boys free for Pocket PC

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